Comments Erogen X

  • Nicolae
    An excellent tool. This gel Erogen X Money 5 cm long and 1.5 wide. His wife will love! Once a month, if before, now I have two hours of sex every day.
    Erogen X
  • Elena
    I bought gel Erogen X her husband two months ago. Cheap car, high quality, and most importantly - effective! The first 7 years of living together start to enjoy an intimate life!
    Erogen X
  • Ioan
    Relationships with girls previously not lasted as long as 2-3 meetings. No one she didn't, but I still think it was the size of the penis. I learned pro gel Erogen X men in the forum for a similar problem. Is pleased with the result. Monthly usage of three - penis is 6 inches long. In the second month and already are meeting with a new girl, relationships are super!
    Erogen X
  • Maria
    He couldn't even tell me her husband, the strength to endure anymore its small size! To begin your search on the internet information, in situations such as what others. Learned Erogen X. My husband and I have sex every erotic massage gel and massage the penis before now. He thinks that my penis just grew massage) Plus are exactly 4 cm already!
    Erogen X
  • Gheorghe
    Sex couldn't previously more than 15-20 minutes. Addressed to the doctor, click use the gel to Erogen X. Already able to use it to extend an hour and a half a week later. Now, after a month - sex-two-three, and even four hours isn't a problem for me. The girls enjoy screaming. Satisfied with the result!
    Erogen X
Rating Erogen X